Published Proof

Art and Social Change, Dust: A Case Study
Art and Social Change, Dust: A Case Study was written by Dr Donna Jackson and a range of contributing writers and published in Nov 2015. Lindy was Managing Editor, featured photographer and contributed two essays on evaluation. The book includes articles on the inspiration and influences used to create the style and content of the large-scale theatre show Dust, the method used to develop and structure it, essays from collaborating artists, the script and song scores, learning resources, a recording of original songs by Mark Seymour and a copy of the half-hour ABC documentary Making Dust by Malcolm McKinnon.
The book is available from the Paperback Bookshop, including online/postal order:
60 Bourke Street, Melbourne:
If you are interested in producing the theatre show, visit Australian Plays Online to download the book, including script and technical notes. You will also be able to arrange for production rights:
One River Education Resource
This resource was compiled with support from One River major sponsor, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. It was developed to provide students from schools within the Basin a means to consider some of the broader issues of water conservation and management using the materials created as part of the One River project, including the radio play, films of the projects and essays by the One River Reference Group.
During her term as Director of Regional Arts Australia, Lindy wrote this collection of 36 great arts stories, profiling successful community based arts projects across regional Australia. Belonging is edited by Moya Sayer-Jones with ‘Snapshots’ contributed by Hélène Sobolewski.